
Adversarial Robustness Comparison of Vision Transformer and MLP-Mixer to CNNs

This work sets out to investigate the adversarial vulnerability of the ViT and MLP-Mixer architectures and compare their performance with CNNs.

Towards Robust Deep Hiding Under Non-Differentiable Distortions for Practical Blind Watermarking

Despite its wide usage, the gain of enhanced robustness from attack simulation layer (ASL) is usually interpreted through the lens of augmentation, while our work explores this gain from a new perspective by disentangling the forward and backward propagation of such ASL.

Universal Adversarial Training with Class-Wise Perturbations

Universal adversarial training (UAT) optimizes a single perturbation for all training samples in the mini-batch. We find that a UAP does not attack all classes equally. Inspired by this observation, we identify it as the source of the model having unbalanced robustness. To this end, we improve the UAT by proposing to utilize class-wise UAPs during adversarial training.

Trade-off Between Accuracy, Robustness, and Fairness of Deep Classifiers

Deep classifiers trained on balanced datasets exhibit a class-wise imbalance, which is even more severe for adversarially trained models. We propose a class-wise loss re-weighting to obtain more fair standard and robust classifiers. The final results suggest, that there exists a triangular trade-off between accuracy, robustness, and fairness.

Robustness May Be at Odds with Fairness: An Empirical Study on Class-wise Accuracy

We propose an empirical study on the class-wise accuracy and robustness of adversarially trained models. Our work aims to investigate the following questions (a) is the phenomenon of inter-class discrepancy universal regardless of datasets, model architectures and optimization hyper-parameters? (b) If so, what can be possible explanations for the inter-class discrepancy? (c) Can the techniques proposed in the long tail classification be readily extended to adversarial training for addressing the inter-class discrepancy?

Revisiting Batch Normalization for Improving Corruption Robustness

The performance of DNNs trained on clean images has been shown to decrease when the test images have common corruptions. In this work, we interpret corruption robustness as a domain shift and propose to rectify batch normalization (BN) statistics for improving model robustness. This is motivated by perceiving the shift from the clean domain to the corruption domain as a style shift that is represented by the BN statistics. We find that simply estimating and adapting the BN statistics on a few (32 for instance) representation samples, without retraining the model, improves the corruption robustness by a large margin.